Tag Archives: Korea

Hiking Geumsan, Namhae Island

We all went hiking up Namhae’s famed Geum-San for a friend’s birthday and encountered some beautiful views not only out to sea but also back towards the mainland of the Korean Peninsula.

The hike we picked was designed to take 90 mins. but there are many opportunities to stop and rest or take some nice photos along the way. Most notable along the way are Ssanghongmun (Gate of Double Rainbows) and Boriam Temple. Both provide picturesque views but the best spot has to be at the top.

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Follow the Money

By Carl Hedinger & C. Adam Volle

“Follow the money,” it is said, if you want to understand a country’s politics. Far fewer say, “Study the money,” but more should. Learn about the faces on a country’s currency and you learn a lot more about the people who put them there – their self-image, their ambitions.

Consider the bills and coins of today’s won (원), starting with the obvious: conspicuously absent are all of the modern state’s 20th-century architects, in a clear repudiation of their dictatorial leadership. But then, notice that even though Koreans claim an almost 5,000-year-long history, all five of the historical figures chosen to represent them lived within just 200 years of each other, from 1398 to 1598.

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